Winter Woes in Roofing


It’s the middle of winter in Colorado, and that means subzero degree days and…60 degree days. The severe weather changes in Colorado can be hard on your roof. Freezing and thawing, then freezing over again, can cause major ice dams that will bring long-term damage to your roof. Add the weight of snow, poor attic or roof ventilation, and wind, and that can make for a bad combination for your home or business.

If you haven’t had a look at your roof in a while, you may want to do so on the next 60 degree day in Colorado. Shingles peeling up or falling off completely are sure signs that your roof is damaged. Ponding water or blistering of the membrane are signs that your flat roof needs maintenance. Maintaining your roof will help preserve its life and carry your investment further. Regularly clean your gutters out so that water can drain properly from steep-sloped buildings. Make sure your roof and attic are ventilating correctly to keep the flow of air moving and to prevent moisture from gathering. For flat roofs, it’s important to make sure you have good drainage and limited roof access. If your roof needs to be regularly accessed for appliance maintenance, make sure there are walk pads in place to protect the membrane from accidental punctures.

If you think it’s time for a little roof maintenance, call your local licensed and insured roofing specialist at Select Roofing Contractors, and they will be able to get your roof’s health back on track.

Winter Woes in Roofing